Saturday, June 21, 2008

An Obsession Come True

Taylor has recently developed an obsession for fake aquatic animals. The power of advertising is mighty indeed. One insert from a pool toy at Willow's birthday party and Taylor was hooked. She hasn't stopped mentioning them. Rainbow Reef sharks! Rainbow Reef angel fish! Rainbow Reef jellyfish! They swim like real ocean fish! Her obsession with these toys became so profound it spurred an unsanctioned phone call to Grandma Connie at 10 p.m. at night! Good grief. After a chat about phone etiquette and explaining to her for the thousandth time that we weren't getting a Rainbow Reef fish RIGHT NOW, I heard no more about them.

But never fear! Grandma Connie to the rescue! Taylor received a box in the mail yesterday and just guess what was in it...


Oh Happy Day!

Grandma Connie sent Taylor a Rainbow Reef jellyfish as part of her birthday present. And who could argue with Grandma's logic? It didn't make sense to send a pool toy at the very end of the summer. Point taken.

Taylor immediately wanted to test out her jellyfish, but it was late in the day for a trip to the pool. We decided to throw in some batteries and try it out the good ol' fashioned way--in the tub.

All I can say is thank goodness for plentiful tentacles!
Notice that Taylor hasn't stopped beaming since opening the box.

Taylor stayed in the bathtub for an hour plus. Way past the prune stage. I think she would have actually tried to sleep in the tub with it, but of course that wasn't going to happen! Isn't it just funny what kids will go bonkers over? I remember having a complete obsession over a Peanuts Snoopy toy that one of my friends had. I seriously don't remember why, it wasn't even the Sno Cone maker that was such a hit with kids in the 70's, just a Snoopy that did nothing special. But I wanted one so bad I would have sold myself into child slavery to get one. I have to give credit to a smart kid and a toy savvy grandma. Mission accomplished--an obsession come true!

We experimented with taking pictures in the dark, to see if we could capture the light show in all its glory. No such luck, but they still turned out kind of cool.

Hum the theme song from "Jaws" to yourself.
Or pretend you're Dorie in "Finding Nemo"...

Our best attempt at capturing the light show.

We'll see how it works out at the pool. We have been having a time of it getting Taylor to maintain a good front float. Maybe the jellyfish will be her inspiration!
