Thursday, June 26, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

First tea party at Grandma Lou's house.
Taylor is 2 years old. How I miss her at that age!

For the first time in my blogging life (public or private) I have been tagged. I'm It! Thanks to Erin M. for the shout out.

Here goes:

10 Years Ago...

Married BonBon on August 8, 1998, working at Woodward Governor while finishing pre req's for nursing school, dreaming of a Taylor girl coming into my life.

5 Years Ago...

Taylor has been a reality for 2 years!, thinking of another pregnancy (didn't happen), I've survived my first year as an RN in the NICU (barely!), we moved to Flagstone Court, bought the Durango (fondly known as the Gas Hog), fell in love with the Outerbanks of North Carolina on a trip in October.

5 Months Ago...

I was helping Taylor have the happiest Happy Heart Day ever, wishing fervently that it was spring, looking forward to my week long trip to South Dakota to see the family, praying that a little girl in the NICU would make it.

5 Things on My To-Do List

1. paint the main bathroom
2. make chocolate-covered cherries with Taylor
3. make a pole trellis for the out-of-control beans!
4. make an appointment with the new massage therapist I've found.
5. make Chinese Chicken Salad for dinner (aka Issy's Favorite Dinner Ever)

5 Snacks I Enjoy

1. cranberry-walnut bread from Styria bakery
2. tree-ripened peaches from Colorado
3. tomatoes straight off the vine
4. veggies with hummus
5. goat cheese with figs

5 Things I Would Do If I Had a Billion Dollars

1. become debt-free
2. start a foundation charity (don't know what, but I would)
3. provide my mom with retirement!
4. travel the world (in my private lear jet of course)
5. gift others--share the joy!

5 of My Bad Habits

1. not trusting others easily
2. over-analyzing a situation
3. lack of patience with myself
4. thinking about something rather than doing it
5. drinking straight from the milk bottle

5 Places I Have Lived

1. Fort Collins, Colorado
2. Brookings, South Dakota
3. Hayti, South Dakota
4. Lake Norden, South Dakota
5. Oldham, South Dakota

5 Jobs I Have Had

1. Registered Nurse
2. Parks and Recreation Summer Programs Instructor
3. snack cart chick at Collindale Golf Course (those were the days!)
4. Resident Assistant (college)
5. grocery store cashier/checker

5 Things Most People Don't Know About Me

1. I'm an ex-31 week preemie--I lived to tell the story!
2. I abhor watermelon, black licorice and radishes.
3. I have a geographic tongue, which explains my aversion to citrus foods as a kid.
4. At 5'6", I was the top rebounder on my high school basketball team.
5. I'm an incurable romantic/idealist.

Well, I'm no longer It. I hope you have enjoyed the useless information provided here!
