Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Frog Makes a Happy Dog

I don't know what it is that makes my dog go nuts over Happy Frog fertilizer for veggies, but he goes nuts in a major way. This is my second year of using Happy Frog fertilizer for my container plants and is also the second year that the smell of that fertilizer has turned my geriatric dalmatian into The Great Spotted Ass.

Last year, when my back was turned attending to other important gardening matters, my dog went crazy and ate, ATE, three of my tomato plants and ALL of the soil they were planted in. I will let your imagination run wild with exactly how that played out over the next 3 days. Not pretty. This year he is threatening to do the same thing again and I cannot have it happen. I have now become the border patrol guard of my back yard. It's amazing what a weekend gardener will do for a few home grown tomatoes.

I must be in denial, but for the life of me I can't figure out his excitement about Happy Frog when any other fertilizer leaves him unfazed. I went to the FoxFarm blog to try to figure this out. Apparently bat guano and worm poop are the epitome of gourmet dining for canines. Who knew? Shouldn't there be a warning label visible on the package? "Warning: The odor of Happy Farm fertilizer may cause uncontrollable pica in canines. We strongly recommend heavy sedation, a titanium kennel and the use of a straight jacket for the first 72 hours after application". For me or the dog?
