Friday, June 06, 2008

A Haiku For You

I went through the last of Taylor's school things today. Homework papers, pieces of artwork, math tests and sight word lists. I found some fun poems she worked on in school--who knew?!?

Her haiku:


grass smells just like rain
grows so tall it needs a trim.
grass looks like small stems.

Here's an acrostic poem using the word 'spring':

S Sleet is falling.
P Plants are being planted.
R Rainbows are in the sky.
I Insects are buzzing.
N Nectar is being sred. (What? Anyone?)
G Grasshoppers are crazy!

We are beginning to fill out the scrapbook for her first grade year. It's fun to look over the whole year and see the incredible amount of growth and learning that happened. Before I know it she'll be learning to drive! Time is going by so very, very fast...

Speaking of spring, we've been playing in the garden in between deluges of rain. Taylor is so excited that the raspberry canes have finally produced their first blossoms of the season. She asks me every day how long it will be until they're done. I have to tell her that I have no clue, as I've never tried to grow them before. If we even manage to get one ripe raspberry off these plants I'll be squealing with happiness! And yes, you guessed it. You'll be seeing a picture of it on this blog. :)

We also have high hopes for the eggplant seedlings this year. Last year was the first year I was able to get one to mature before the growing season ended. Who knew they took so long? At first, I was just playing with the plants because the blossoms are so absolutely gorgeous. Then I found out that grilled eggplant is ridiculously good and became very intent upon growing one of my own. This is the earliest that I've ever had a seedling grow up and blossom. Wish me luck!
