Monday, June 23, 2008

Build-A-Bear Bonanza

Build-A-Bear Workshop is one of Taylor's favorite places on earth. Ever since the Centerra Shops opened a few years back Taylor has been in heaven. One of her Christmas gifts came from Build-A-Bear--a stuffed lop-eared bunny named Magic. Complete with magic sound, a wedding trousseau and wardrobe. Since Magic, eight other snuggle buddies have found their way into our home via Build-A-Bear, including Hello Kitty, Haunty the ghost, Clarice the pink poodle, Sandy Paws the pink jaguar, Rainbow the pink bear, Shellie the Turtle, Piper Pussycat and Polly the puppy. You'd think we'd have had enough already but really we need little or no excuse to go back for more.

This time we were asked by my good friend Abby to go out to BAB. Abby's sister Laura was in town with husband Steve and daughter Clara who is about 18 months old. First stuffie from BAB for Clara! Say no more, we're on our way! Needless to say, we all had a good time. Clara chose a puppy for her first BAB friend. Too cute.

This time Taylor chose the cheetah. Close in the running were the monkey and the scruffy puppy. What to name her new buddy? After much deliberation the name Piper Pussycat won the day.

We planned on taking pictures of all of the new stuffies together, but Clara eye spied the water fountains and pools just outside BAB and she wanted to play--NOW! We spent a good 30 minutes playing in the water on a hot summer day.

A close second-best to receiving her 9th BAB buddy was Taylor's chance to ride in Great Uncle Rick's new pick up truck. She got to ride shotgun with Aunt Abby and test out the electric windows (Mom, why don't you have these in your car?). She also got some undivided attention from Aunt Abby (an aunt at heart, not by relation) which was about the best thing ever. They put each other on speed dial on their cell phones and practiced text messaging to each other. Too cool for a 6-year old!

After buying out BAB and playing in the water, it was time for some good eats. We all went to Rock Bottom Brewery and had lunch. Yum! My favorite salad ever is made at Rock Bottom--the Tuscan Smoked Chicken Salad. Smoked chicken, granny smith apple, walnuts, feta cheese, onion, red pepper, carrot and the best balsamic vinaigrette I've ever had from a restaurant. I get it every time I go there, even after looking over the menu for the umpteenth time. Nothing else sounds nearly as good.

More good times with Abby and the gang are scheduled for this weekend--a birthday party for her four foots. Stay tuned!
