Saturday, August 23, 2008

You Gotta See This Blog

If you're reading this, take the time to check out this blog. You won't regret it! Cake Wrecks is a blog that everyone can enjoy--and I think everyone who goes to view it probably passes the website address on to fifty of their closest friends.

I already have favorites, including The First Censored Cake Wreck, the Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys and When Men Design Their Own Cakes. They are all snort-your-drink-out-your nose funny!

And Mom? If you're reading this, go to the Cake Wrecks website (just click the link right here and it'll take you there) and take a gander at the entry for August 21st. The comedian on the YouTube video starts talking about IHOP funnel cakes at about minute 4. Guess who that made me think of? :)))))))))
