Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Summer Rain
by Raymond A. Foss

A break in the heat
away from the front
no thunder, no lightning,
just rain, warm rain
falling near dusk
falling on eager ground
steaming blacktop
hungry plants
turning toward the clouds
cooling, soothing rain
splashing in sudden puddles
catching in open screens
that certain smell
of summer rain

With the help of Raymond Foss, I am trying to remember to enjoy this unexpected glut of rain, especially after such a bone dry July. Even if it makes my beloved Boo dog refuse to go outside and cause multiple clean ups in the kitchen, I am grateful. But I'll be honest. We're champing at the bit to get out of the house!

We have devised a plan to avert going stir crazy. A 3-D movie! We're going to see Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3-D. This movie is supposed to be entirely 3-D from start to finish, so I hope the kids like it and we have a good time stuffing ourselves with overpriced popcorn and Diet Pepsi. :)
