Monday, August 18, 2008

Children, Chocolate, Chop Chop and Chuck It

Today is First Day of School Eve. Shocking, I know. The summer has barely gotten off to a good start and here we are, faced with getting up early in the morning and exercising our brains all day. Anyone else feel a little gypped?

Early this afternoon, Taylor took her school supplies over to the school. Upon walking through her classroom door, she was attacked by several of her BFF's. Everyone was ecstatic to see everyone else and a group hug was called for.

Happiness is...a group hug with your BFF's.
I didn't realize you could have more than one BFF at a time...

Taylor, Willow and Kaden say 'Cheese!'

After dropping off school supplies, the girls (Taylor, Grandma Lou and myself) took off to meet Abby at the Olive Garden for lunch while the boys (John, Chris and Sean) went shopping for 'guy stuff'. Lunch at the Olive Garden was delightful, as always. It took us 20 minutes to order because everyone was too busy talking to pay much attention to the menu! My kind of lunch, let me tell ya. I was so distracted by being in the midst of such great company that I promptly burned the roof of my mouth on the artichoke dip. Yowch! I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that the injury in no way prevented me from devouring the rest of my lunch and insisting on dessert. :) Mom, Abby and I shared the best dessert I've had in years. Something called Black Tie Mousse Cake. Oh. My. Goodness. Absolutely out-of-this-world good!

This really should be called "Come to Momma!" Cake.

Taylor decided to stick with her own dessert. A brilliant choice,
considering her sundae was served in a mixing bowl. :)

After lunch, it was time to head on over to Tae Kwon Do class. Grandma Lou and I were worried that the mixing bowl sundae was going to hamper Taylor's efforts in class. Not to worry. Taylor earned her second white belt stripe and two clips in class.

Mr. Overby presents Taylor with her second stripe.

The final activity of the day was Chuck-It. Or as most people would say, bowling. Everyone piled into the Gas Hog and made the trek to Chipper's Lanes for a little tango with the ten pins. Grandma Lou sat out (smart move Ma), I made it through one and a half games, the men bowled four games and Taylor bowled five. Having a lane all to yourself with the bumpers up makes for very fast bowling! Here's some candids of our evening at the bowling alley.

Thank goodness that the lightest bowling balls also happen to be...

For most of us, this hand sign would mean "Hang loose!"
Not for Sean. For him it means "Longhorns Forever!"

Exhausted, but undaunted. Game #6 anyone? I'll go double or nothing!

After bowling, we all drove home and collapsed on the nearest sofa. A little reading, a little Olympics on T.V. and I'm ready for bed. One more day of all-out fun ahead!
