Friday, July 25, 2008

A Summons, a Star and a View From Afar

I have been summoned. And not in a good way. I have not won the Powerball lottery, I have not received a promotion or been called to the front door by Publisher's Clearing House. I have been summoned for jury service to the United States District Court, District of Colorado, Denver Jury Division. Boo hiss.
Normally I would consider this a mild annoyance. Under these circumstances, namely being on call for the entire month of August, I am well past annoyance and straight into bitchiness. I am not happy. August is the busiest month for our family. 10th wedding anniversary, Taylor's birthday, family visit from my mom and nephews planned, beginning of school. Our vacation time is in August. None of these reasons are considered a hardship excuse, which means that I may potentially miss any or all of these events to drag my behind to Denver and go through the jury selection process. Grrrrrrr.
I know, I know. Civic duty and all that. I probably won't get called. Fill in the blank the number of people you know who have received a similar summons and not been utilized. I know. It's just that my luck with such things is legendary for putting Murphy's law to shame. I am trying not to borrow trouble at this point, but I don't have a good feeling about all of this. For the time being, call me Murphy.

But there are bigger and better things to talk about (now that my vent is over). Taylor earned her first star for the SuperStars chart at Tae Kwon Do class! Yeah Taylor! She earned her fifth clip during the middle of class and got so excited she broke form and spent the next 2 minutes trying to jump high enough to show me the clip on her belt. I usually sit in the chairs on the side of the practice area, so I'm not in Taylor's direct line of vision and thereby don't serve as a constant distraction to her paying attention. This time it didn't work. Her instructor came over at the end of class and reported no other kid in the history of his school ever being that excited to earn their first star. He couldn't stop laughing. I asked him where he was while we were going through potty training hell. :) Here's the proof:

Who knew one little star could be such a motivating thing?
It's never worked before...

Even better than the star on the wall was the star she received to put on her uniform top. Again a blue star, no bigger than a dime and yet she was over the moon about it. The uniform star may have well been the reason why she decided to continue with classes for the next six months! No, she really does enjoy class, even without the star.

This past weekend we went out to my friend Abby's house to go through scrapbook albums and plan a new one in honor of Beanie. We had a great time visiting. Taylor played with the dogs, visited the kitties, chased after the bunnies and found endless delight in being really interested in whatever "Uncle" Rick (Abby's dad) was doing. Here's some pics from the day.

The view from Abby's backyard is spectacular no matter
what time of day it is or what season.

There are tons of bunnies on Abby's place. Even when
the coyotes come out for their evening howl, you
can see them ten deep.

Xy Xy is one of Taylor's best buddies. He willingly plays fetch
and is always interested in sharing a snack, namely
chocolate pudding. What's not to love?

Calamity Jane, aka Clammie, is one of Abby's rescued
greyhounds. She usually doesn't come out when company
is around, but she did on Sunday. What a pretty old girl!

This is another rescue dog that Abby brought home from Spain.
His name is Inigo Montoya but we call him Pokey Pokerson.
He has no problems poking you with his snout when he feels
the need for a good belly rub. :)

To end the evening, Abby showed me a subversive but oh-so-funny book she brought home for her dad from a recent trip to Boston. The book is called, "What Your Poo is Telling You" and we got more laughs from that book than I've had in a while. Check it out! You might all want to know what I'm giving you for Christmas this year... LOL
