Friday, July 25, 2008

More TKD Video

I got some new footage on the Ninja Girl. Yesterday's Tae Kwon Do class was actually fun to watch. The kids are now practicing their 'one-steps' or basic self-defense moves. For brand new white belts, this means combining a block with three strikes, then another block. For each move there are words the kids say to help them remember the sequence. For white belts the words are, "Get back! Leave me alone! I am safe!" Here's Taylor doing her best (worst?) to get it right:

At the end of class, after practicing this sequence about 25 times, Taylor "defended" herself against her master instructor's "attack". After successfully repeating the sequence, the master
told her she was "a scary meanie" and he wouldn't want to meet up with her in a dark alley somewhere. Taylor beamed about this for the rest of the day. :)

The budding ninja girl warrior has decided to stick with Tae Kwon Do for the next six months. I won't bore you with the details, but I think getting another part time job will be required in order to fund this latest endeavor. Yowch!
