Monday, July 07, 2008

Martial Arts Miss

Taylor has started her journey to becoming a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Classes started last Thursday and she decided to join in. Life at our house hasn't been the same since. Ah, the enthusiasm of a 6-year old warrior-want-to-be!

She received her official ATA uniform last Thursday and insisted on wearing the whole thing to class, even though the top is usually only worn at competition. Her master instructor was impressed with her enthusiasm and let her wear it to class, but just this first time. :)

After warm ups and stretching, she got to try out some serious ninja moves on the kicking towers. First move a white belt learns? Front kick. First correction a white belt receives about said front kick? Try not to swing your head side to side because you are in love with your hair. :)

Taylor reported enjoying every single minute of class, even though half the time was spent doing core strength exercises like push-ups and gut busters. I asked her what she thought of those and she said "They're easy Mom!" Hmmmm.....I wonder why?

I think her push-up style is a little too much like her mother's... ;)

She'll be going to class 2 times a week until she advances one belt level. We'll keep everyone updated on her progress, especially when she tests for her next belt.
