Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rainbow Alert!

Every time there is a rainbow sighted in the vicinity of our home we go on full rainbow alert. This family tradition was started by Taylor when she was 4 years old. She saw her first real rainbow way up in the sky and was so impressed by the sight that she talked of nothing else for weeks. The next time she witnessed such a delight she started yelling, "RAINBOW ALERT, RAINBOW ALERT!!!" Now she has all of us doing it, even some of our neighbors. :) We've had several doozies over the past few weeks--here's some pictures of the natural wonders.

Our 4th of July rainbow.

Double the fun! Not a bad image for a P&S camera.

Yes, this picture is sideways--Taylor insists this is the best way
to look at it. That way the pot of gold is somewhere in
our backyard!

We've seen a surprising number of rainbows this month, probably because of all the evening thunderstorms that have come our way. No rain, but plenty of rainbows! It's beginning to cloud over pretty good this afternoon--maybe another Rainbow Alert is coming our way.
