Sunday, September 21, 2008

What I'm In Love With Right Now

Since I don't really have anything noteworthy to blather on about, I thought it would be a great idea to blather on about all those simple things that make life a joy to experience. Autumn is a wonderful season with so many things to find joy in.

1. I think early fall is right at the top of my list. 80 degrees, sunny, all the leaves starting to change colors and a little nip in the air at night. What could be better? Here are a few pics of the glorious color changes happening right in our own back yard. Taylor and I went on a photo shoot today to capture some of the glory.

2. The parking garage (and the cool sky bridge connecting the parking garage with the hospital) being constructed at my place of employment gets a huge shout out from me! Long time comin', my friend. :)

3. Roasted peppers, squash and all the other early fall bounty found at our local farmer's market. Taylor and I went to the market today to ogle the pumpkins and drool over the smell of peppers roasting and kettle corn popping away. Yum yum!

4. Hayrides and horses. More fall favorites that we've been enjoying. Taylor went to a classmate's birthday party recently and was reunited with an old equine friend named Brownie. The first time Taylor rode Brownie was well over 4 years ago. Brownie is still giving out free rides at The Farm and accepting carrot and apple bribes to take the long track. Sweet!

5. Fall flowers are blooming everywhere! The mums, asters and late sunflowers are showing off, not to mention one last hurrah for the annuals. They're all loving the cooler weather and recent bout of rain.

6. Fall fishing! John has been journeying into the wild on solo fishing missions. He's caught carp, blue gills, trout, perch and this monster below, whose common name or species we do not know.

Even better than the fish (all catch and release of course), he also catches some glorious pictures of the outdoors. We still have plans to take one more sojourn up the Poudre Canyon before the weather gets too chilly.

"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting
and autumn a mosaic of them all."
- Stanley Horowitz
