Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Cooking Kid Style

Make a request to begin the Turkey Day fun...

Start with these...

Add some heat and hear the pretty popping sound...

Wait for the bubble bath to finish...


Take one of these...

Make some of this stuffing stuff...

Put the stuffing stuff in there...

Get one of these ready..
(and remind your mom you REALLY need a haircut)

And put this in it when it is ready. Then wait.

At this point, go play. Tell your mom and dad to make the pie and get the potatoes ready. After all, you're a mere seven years old and can only do so much. ;)

Remind your parents that you could do this more than once a year.
Remind your parents that you REALLY need a haircut...

When you look at it from the viewpoint of a seven-year old, it's really pretty simple, isn't it?
