Thursday, November 13, 2008

How About Orange?

Tonight was the big night!

Taylor spent the last week practicing her forms, one-step sparring moves and self-defense moves in preparation for tonight's testing session at her Tae Kwon Do school. I spent the last week attempting to help her remember everything (sketchy at best to rely on your un-martial arts mom for advice) and figuring out how to sew the patches on her uniform. The patches proved to be the source of much personal angst on my part, which ended with me sewing them on mere hours before actual testing was to begin at the school. I believe that the air over our house was exceptionally blue in color and that my husband now has several valid reasons to request a divorce. :)

Still, the patches did get sewn on and our ninja girl did great at testing. We won't know until sometime next week if she was deemed worthy of advancing to orange belt level, but we're fairly confident of her achievement.

Here's the almost-orange belt warrior moments after testing was finished.
If you have any comments about the patches
or their placement, keep them to yourself! :)

HUH! Must be in the FRONT row! If Taylor was nervous,
she hid it very well. I, on the other hand, did not hide it well at all!

After her testing was completed, Taylor had the best seat in the house.
She joined her classmates in cheering on the more advanced kids
during the sparring sessions.

After all testing was complete, the participants lined up for a group photo.
Taylor is in the front row with some of her white belt buddies.

Taylor gets her 18-step form correct...with a little help
from Mr. Kenny. :)

Taylor had oh-so-much fun at testing tonight. Actually, we all did. John was able to show up for work a little later than usual, so he was able to watch Taylor from start to finish. After I got over the patches debacle, I was able to enjoy watching her do her thing too! We'll let you know if our favorite color is orange sometime next week.
