Monday, November 10, 2008

10 Things Not to Do When You're Mildly Depressed

  1. Eat potato chips for breakfast.
  2. Learn (feebly attempt) how to knit/crochet/do anything with needles.
  3. Sew patches on a uniform.
  4. Read books about still born babies.
  5. Manage (feebly attempt) your finances.
  6. Sit by the bucket of Halloween candy.
  7. Get on the bathroom scale.
  8. Watch the CMA Awards.
  9. Walk by a mirror when naked.
  10. Become part of a large crowd in a small space.
I have done all of the above things this past week in the midst of a mild depression. No worries, I know it will get better.

Some of the things on the list really are no-brainers. As in you should really just NEVER do them, no matter what the situation (can I get a shout out for #1 and #6 anyone? Oh, and what the hell, let's throw #9 in there too, K?).

As for the rest, well, what can I say? Some things you must do in order to live your life. But they might be just a tad easier with a large amount of Prozac on board.
