Monday, November 17, 2008

Orange It Is!

Orange it is! Taylor was awarded her orange belt in class today. She was beaming from ear to ear, as were the other kids who moved up with her. This is the only good picture I have of her with her new bright orange belt. Somehow, our digital camera was dropped and now has trouble focusing correctly and staying in movie mode. I'm going to have to figure out what to do....
Considering we've reached our 10,000th picture with this camera in just shy of 3 years, I guess I can see getting a new one.

Taylor also achieved a feat this week that I never came close to accomplishing at any age, let alone at 7 years old. She achieved the full center splits position (is anyone wincing with me?) which earned her an ice cream date with Mr. Kenny, her instructor. The girl is like Gumby, I tell ya.
