Friday, October 03, 2008

Read a Thon, Here We Come!

We have spent the past week preparing for today. Announcing the 1st Annual Read-a-Thon at Linton Elementary School! Taylor has new pink pajamas, hot pink toenail polish on, several of her favorite books and one choice snuggle buddy to take to school today. Check her out!

Darla the Unicorn won the fierce competition
to be the snuggle buddy taken to the Read-a-Thon today.
The other 50 contestants are pouting up in Taylor's room.

I hope the kids all have fun today. Wearing your pajamas to school and reading in pop-up tents in the gym all day sounds like a pretty good time to me. Apparently the school fund-raiser has come a long way, baby! What ever happened to the bake sale during lunch hour in the school gym? I guess a ton of 25 cent brownies would have to be sold to keep up with the financial needs of elementary schools today.

Taylor has also been feverishly writing in her cool new book named "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Do-It-Yourself Book". Here's a few excerpts from her writings:

Good Advice For Next Year's Class

1. Never be violent.
2. Be really careful who you sit by.
3. Don't sleep during math!
4. Don't read during math!
5. Try to make it through a whole lollipop without biting it.

Questions to Answer

1. Did you ever do something bad that you never got busted for?
Her answer: 12 times

When I asked her to spill the beans, she politely took the 5th. :)

2. Have you ever pretended you were sick so you could stay home from school?
Her answer: I don't even trie!

Either she loves school or thinks I'm a harda**. I'll believe the first until the second is proven.

Five Things No One Knows About You

Her answers:

I like pie.
I hate spiders.
My favorite band is Queen!
I like gold, purple, pink,
red and violet in that order.
The most disgusting thing I ever ate was a
cranberry smoothy.

My responses:

Pie lovers unite! I find this answer amusing because the only kind of pie she's
ever had is pumpkin pie and it's quite evident when watching her eat it that she is more in love with wanting to love it than actually in love with it itself. Got that?

Spider hating is genetic. Welcome to the club. Grandma Lou is President and I am Vice President.

Viva la Freddie Mercury!

Having a favorite color hierarchy is awesome. I was the kind of kid that could never figure out what my favorite color was.

I've never had a cranberry smoothie, but I'm pretty sure your assessment is incredibly accurate. :)
