Friday, October 31, 2008

The Best Halloween EVER!!

Here's the pink mummy fairy in all of her glory!

The title of this post is courtesy of Taylor Anne, who uttered those exact words about 33 times during her trick-or-treating extravaganza this evening. I have to agree with her. It was just about the best night for Halloween that a person could ask for. Indian summer-like temperatures, no wind and on a Friday to boot. Sweet!

Taylor got her party started at school today. An hour long parade of kids in costume, followed by an hour long classroom party. The kids enjoyed games, treat bags from Mrs. Karst and enough sugary goodness to make trick-or-treating later in the day seem rather unnecessary. Not that we caved in to guilt. Oh no! Taylor trick-or-treated for 3 hours tonight before eventually giving in to fatigue. Wonder how many miles she put on her dogs today?

Taylor and her buddy Hanna put on some of the cool loot
they found in Mrs. Karst's treat bags.

Taylor poses with her BFF Arianna before the school parade.

Right after school it was time to finally carve her jack-o-lantern for this Halloween. She put much thought into the design. Much thought. I was beginning to despair that we wouldn't get the job done. But we did and I must say her excessive pondering paid off. Very cute Mr. Kitty jack-o-lantern. Very cute indeed!

Taylor helped dad do the cut-outs this year.
Say hello to Mr. Kitty.

Then it was time to speed over to the Tae Kwon Do school to participate in their Halloween party. Taylor had fun seeing her fellow students in costume and got a huge kick out of the pinata they had there. She also had great fun practicing some of her Tae Kwon Do moves in her costume. Doing running front kicks and ninja chops as a pink mummy fairy is 20 times better than doing them as yourself. :)

The pink mummy fairy goes ninja on the pinata.
Did I say pinata? At a Halloween party? Yup.
Interesting choice too. :)

Then, finally! What she'd been waiting for all day long! Trick-or-treating! Taylor made the rounds in our cul-de-sac, visiting neighbors who were kind enough to make special treat bags just for her. Our next door neighbors were also kind enough to share their special lemon glazed ghost cookies. Wow! They were so good that none of them lasted long enough for a picture. Gotta get that recipe!

But I digress. Taylor trick-or-treated with one of her friends from school. Here they are in all their Halloween glory.

By the end of the night Taylor was so over the fact
that everyone immediately guessed who Mariah was, and NOBODY
could figure out exactly who she was supposed to be.
Apparently 'pink mummy fairy' is not in the average person's lexicon.
Who knew?

We spent a good 3 hours out on the town, visiting every house with a front door light on. We made sure to go to Rock Guy's house (neighbor who is the president of the Fort Collins geology society) and get some cool polished rocks and to visit the retired couple two blocks down that hand out enormous whole candy bars to the kids. After almost 3 hours of fun, it was time to call it a night. I must say that we have a great neighborhood to celebrate Halloween in. So many people went all out on decorating their homes and yards, not to mention ensuring the safety of all the kids. Even cooler? No vandalism was reported in our subdivision.

Here's a short video clip of Taylor's class heading over to the
gym for the all school parade. Too cute.

We hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday. Happy Halloween everyone!
