Sunday, October 26, 2008

Corn Maze Mania!

Sorry for the extended blog vacation. A whole lot happened in October, including a great vacation to the Outer Banks and Halloween preparations. Unfortunately, a very sad event also happened to us this October. We said good-bye to our beloved BooDog and it has been more difficult than we ever imagined it could be. I will be adding posts about all of these things, but to get back in the saddle, I figured it would only make sense to resume with the present. That means telling you about our adventures at the Corn Maze!

John and Taylor had a Daddy Date Day at the Harvest Maze, one of our favorite places to visit each fall. There's so much to do out there! Taylor tried everything this year and reported having a blast. An added bonus was not having a sudden and overwhelming urge to pee in the middle of the corn maze, unlike last year. :)

Pictures tell the story better than I ever could, so here you go!

It was a lovely day for a stroll in a corn maze.
Taylor set off with a definite spring in her step.

When in doubt, try the path less chosen...


Making corn angels!

Crossing the Great Divide. :)
You'll be relieved to know she made the jump successfully.

Here's Taylor chillin' out on the hay ride around the farm.

Taylor fell in love with the John Deere trikes. Just goes to
show you're never too old. If they'd had any for
big people, I'd have gone out there to ride one myself. :)

Here's some excellent video of Taylor taking the Barrel Train ride.
I think that halfway through the ride she probably reconsidered
her seating choice.

We'll have more fun updates to post in the very near future. Freaky Friday (aka Halloween) is coming up at the end of this week. Her costume is here and all ready for a day full of fun and trick-or-treating. Pictures of the pink mummy fairy will be posted ASAP!
