Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

My candid shot of the billionth raindrop. I'll let you figure out which one it is...

I am not one to whine about rain, not usually anyway. I am well past the stage of wishing for something else to show up in the weather forecast though. It has rained for two days straight. We need the rain, but does it have to show up all at the same time? Sigh.

Taylor was blessed with Field Day today, even though the field was really a swamp and after two events you really couldn't tell one mud covered child from another. She was surprisingly tight-lipped about the three-legged race, other than she was able to compete in the event with her BFF Willow and that she did indeed cross the finish line standing up. After her die-hard practicing, this was a surprise, but I didn't push it with 1000 questions. She was far more excited about the Chicken Dance being an actual event for 1st graders. I was impressed as well and wondered exactly how the Chicken Dance is scored in competition. If anyone knows, please fill me in. I'm dying to know!

I have had extra time on my hands this week, what with the holiday weekend and the cessation of volunteer activities at the school. I've been sorting through the many, many photos on our computer's desktop and found a few favorites to share. We took a family vacation to South Dakota during spring break week of this year. Our time there extended from my birthday through the Easter holiday, so lots of celebrating was done. Here are some family candids taken during the Red Hat tea party my mom held at her house on Easter Sunday.

Grandma Lou and Taylor all dressed up for the tea party. Aren't they both beautiful?

In addition to the regular Easter festivities (egg dyeing, egg hunt, Easter baskets, church activities, etc.), my mom planned a Red Hat tea party especially for Taylor. Everyone was required to dress up, don a hat and sip with their pinkies up! It was a barrel of laughs. One of the things I love best about my mom: She always knows how to make time together special and memorable.

My brother, a.k.a. Unkie Doug and his #1 fan.

The party's honoree asks the paparazzi to tone it down a notch. :)

Here is one of my favorite recent pictures of the BooDog. He has visibly aged over the last 18 months, displaying less energy, stiffening up in the back end, loosing neurologic function in his hind quarters and becoming fairly deaf and blind. This picture was taken after a frenzied day of cookie sorting for the Girl Scouts. He's pooped!

What? Not even one little cookie for all of my supervisory efforts? This calls for a nap!

Speaking of Girl Scout activities, earlier this spring Taylor's Brownie troop visited the Ecology Center and learned a little something about the county's raptor program. John was a chaperone parent for this excursion and took some great pics of the birds they have in the recover and release program. The girls were all appropriately awed by the sight of these great birds and through John's pictures I can see exactly why they thought this trip was so cool.