Sunday, May 25, 2008

Let the Ice Cream Trials Begin!

Silly snackers!

Our first ice cream making attempt started Friday after school. Taylor and her classmate Mariah came home from school ready and raring to go with the ice cream maker. First they enjoyed a much less exciting snack.

Our first batch of ice cream was Taylor's favorite flavor--mint chocolate chip!

Our first attempt with the ice cream maker did not meet with instant success. Apparently we did not freeze the mixing carafe to a cold enough temperature because the ice cream never really solidified. Sigh. We went to Plan B and put the mixture into a container in the freezer and waited. And waited. And waaaaaiitted. Finally, real ice cream! The girls LOVED IT. I loved it too, especially served up in the fancy schmancy ice cream dishes my mom gave me. Sweet!

Taylor was a little less enthusiastic about the ice cream after waiting for over 6 hours to taste some. Once she took her first bite the smile came back on her face.

After the ice cream excitement on Friday I thought for sure Saturday was going to be a let-down in Taylor's book. Not so! She went with her dad to another play date on Saturday morning, then I took her shopping and to the library in the afternoon. Never underestimate the impact that one brief trip to the Dollar Store can have on a child's life! She bought a purple glitter sword and scabbard (yes, they actually made one with a girl in mind!), squirt guns, a blow-up beach ball, a paddle ball set and Junior Mints with her allowance for the week. Grand total: $5.

She played all afternoon with her newly acquired treasures. Library park was renamed Captain Taylor's Adventure Land, the playground equipment was renamed the S.S. Dragonslayer and if I heard her yell the pirate's standby "Aaargh!" once, I heard it a thousand times. She had an absolute blast. The real find of the day though, was the swim goggles in hot pink. Never being one to stand on ceremony, she decided that it was foolish to wait for a trip to the swimming pool and she tried them out in the shower instead. Goggles big enough for Elephant Man with a strap in the back made for a newborn baby's head. Hmmmmm. Not a great fit, but worth every penny of that hard-earned dollar she spent. You betcha!

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea meet Taylor Anne. Oh, wait, excuse me. Make that Captain Taylor Anne!

Alas, I must go to work over this holiday weekend so most of the fun and games are over, for me at least. It sure was fun while it lasted! As always, our thoughts turn to those our hearts remember this Memorial Day weekend. Loved ones gone. Service men and women now immortal heroes. We hope everyone, family and friends, has a safe and special holiday weekend.
