Saturday, January 10, 2009

Reading Binge

Firmin : This must be the most unusual book I've ever read. But fun! A neglected runt of a mouse finds himself growing up in a bookstore. What's that saying about simple beginnings?

Interpreter of Maladies : Quietly stunning. These stories stay in my head long after I'm done reading them.

The Collected Stories of Grace Paley : I've tried to "get" Grace Paley for years. I'm still not there, but I'm enjoying the journey. Some of her lines are simply unforgettable.

Twilight and New Moon : I've finally, after much hem-hawing, been sucked into the latest vampire phenomenon. I'm a very reluctant fan.

The Spice Merchant's Daughter : I love this book! An inventory of spices, followed by great recipes and anecdotal tie ins. What's not to love?
Oh, and then you get to the back cover and find out the author is drop dead gorgeous...

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men : Wow. This author is ridiculously talented and so incredibly intelligent that I'm sometimes left wondering why I'm attempting to read his stuff. Then I keep reading because he writes about the psychological underpinnings of human behavior and it's fascinating. He's also avante garde with his style and delivery. Quite refreshing, not to mention frustrating at times.

Throw in three paperbacks, two cook books, three magazines and a smattering of yoga instruction books and you've got my free time mapped out. Time to get back to work!
