Tuesday, January 06, 2009

It's That Time of Year Again...

Yup. You guessed it. Girl Scouts are swarming the nation selling boxes of cookies. Thin Mints, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Samoas, Do-Si-Do's, just to name a few.

I'm surprised at the timing of the cookie campaign. If the financial picture in our country isn't dismal enough to curb a cookie buying spree, then the it's-immediately post-Christmas-and-I-can't-fit-into-my-jeans-plus-I've-made-a-New Year's-resolution-to-lose-50-pounds-in-a-month mentality prevalent in the first weeks of the new year would seem to prove deterrent enough. Am I a pessimist at heart? Not really. I'm just curious how the cookie thing will turn out this year.

From the Official Website of Girl Scouts of the USA:

The activity of selling cookies is directly related to our purpose of helping all girls realize their full potential and become strong, confident, and resourceful citizens.

  • Girl Scouts practice life skills like goal setting, money management, and teamwork—and they have fun!
  • Customers get a great product and get to support girls in their own community.
  • All of the proceeds support Girl Scouting in the local community.
From the Official Blog of a Girl Scout Mom:

The activity of selling cookies is directly related to our purpose of helping our girl realize that mom and dad are not made of money, nor do we have a money tree growing in the back yard.
  • Girl Scouts practice life skills like trying to remember where they put that check from Mr. Johnson, cramming 6 boxes of cookies in bags sized to fit 4, and acting like they don't care who sold the most cookies--and this is supposed to be fun!
  • Customers get harassed into buying more cookies than they really want or need, but realize the cookies are pretty good eats.
  • All of the proceeds support Girl Scouting in the local community, which is important (refer to the money tree thing).
So let the games begin! Taylor has set a pretty lofty goal this year--to outdo herself from last year. We're talking hundreds of boxes of cookies people! Wish us luck.
