Saturday, January 24, 2009

Birds, Birds Everywhere

Taylor and John attended a bird show today at Bath Nursery and Garden Center, right here in good ol' Fort Collins. Known as Bird Day at Bath, the event is held as part of the garden center's community events calendar and features hands-on learning experiences with parrots, owls, falcons, eagles, ducks and chickens. Quite a timely event for the 2nd grade classes at Linton Elementary, as they are smack dab in the middle of their birds unit in science.

There were exotic birds, birds of prey and farm birds to learn about at the show. Taylor's favorite? Pedgy the Cockatoo. Here he is hamming it up for the kids and the camera!

A Pedgy the Cockatoo closeup.

Pedgy's favorite trick is to pose, then ask for a treat!

Taylor seizes an opportunity to admire Pedgy close-up, along with
some of her classmates.

Taylor is currently doing an in-depth study on two different birds for her science unit, the oriole and the peacock. While neither species made a showing at Bird Day, Taylor learned a bunch of interesting stuff about other kinds of birds. She was especially fascinated by the parrots' ability to mimic. She enjoyed seeing all of the parrots perform in the bird show and learned some cool tricks for training birds. I thought this would encourage a full-on blitzkrieg about getting a bird as a pet, but so far she hasn't said a thing. Whew!

There were red ones...

and green ones...

and blue ones to see.

Small ones...

and round ones...

And everything in between!

After the bird show, it was chow time. John and Taylor took a walk around Old Town, then decided that some Beau Jo's pizza would hit the spot. Not a bad Daddy-Daughter Date Day!

The waterfall in the middle of Old Town Square looked more
like an ice sculpture today.

A great way to end the day. A little lemonade and some of the best
pizza around.
