Friday, December 05, 2008

Puttin' Up the Tree

Today was Put Up the Tree Day at our house. Woo hoo! Every year we try to find one new ornament that we can't live without. This year Taylor's aunt Christine helped us out with that. A box arrived in the mail with this little cutie inside. Taylor was thrilled!

If you're a seven year old girl, this ornament is the cat's meow.
Thanks Aunt Christine!

Taylor also picked out the tree topper this year. We've used this one before, but she looks especially lovely with all of the dark red ornaments on the tree. Dad helped Taylor get her to the top of the tree.

Taylor loves angels, so no surprise on her choice of tree topper
this year.

With the tree up and all of the lights working, we feel ready to start the countdown to Christmas. Let the season begin! We've got Christmas carols to practice, cookies to make and many festivities to attend. We'll have posts up in the next few weeks to chronicle Taylor's holiday activities.
