Friday, December 26, 2008

A Heartfelt Thank You

I thought I would take a minute to thank everyone who remembered us this Christmas.

To our families. Your love and support each and every day of the year is more than gift enough, but thanks to you as well for the presents sent, phone calls made and memories shared with us during this Christmas season. We missed your presence this year, as we celebrated Christmas in Fort Collins, but we spent a good deal of Christmas Day remembering Christmases past when we were fortunate enough to be with you. We look forward to those in the future, when we are able to do so again. We are blessed beyond measure to have you.

To our friends. Thank you for the gifts, phone calls, time spent and laughter shared. We especially loved hearing your Christmas stories, seeing your Christmas pictures and knowing that even though working through the holidays wasn't optional, work was something to look forward to because you were there. We are blessed beyond measure to have you.

Love and Best Wishes for a Spectacular 2009!

John, Kristin and Taylor