Friday, December 18, 2009

Purple Hair!

For the past 3 months, Taylor has been obsessed with the idea of putting a purple streak in her hair.

Yes, really.

I know, I know.


Try explaining that to an obsessed 8-year old.

Yup. I told her that too. AND mentioned it would take a really, really long time to get done.

And then, after 3 months, I caved today.

And actually? It's really kind of cool. :)

The idea to color her hair presented itself in the form of Ari, one of Taylor's BFF's at Tae Kwon Do. It should be noted that Ari has platinum blond hair and sports a colored streak in her hair 24/7. I imagine her mother can accomplish this for $5 and 10 minutes of her time. Taylor was envious of her friend's fine do, me for other reasons.

I decided to make it part of Taylor's Christmas present. This thrilled her beyond belief, as the new purple streak in her hair would match her Christmas dress just perfectly. Cringe! I have to admit, when it really came down to it, I rode the fence between Cool Mom and Responsible Mom all the way to the finish line. And like I said, it really turned out kind of cool (Cool Mom). And it's just one little tiny streak, right? (Responsible Mom) :)

The "before" photo.
We're going to do WHAT to that gorgeous hair?

Taylor chose which side (LEFT ONLY, please!)
then the bleaching began.

1/2 way there!

And voila! Purple it is.

She may be old enough to want purple hair,
but she's still little enough to ask for a sucker when she's done,
just like when she was 2.
Grape, of course. To keep with the theme of the day. :)

The final result seemed a little anti-climactic. Taylor was tired of the chair and Michelle (our hairdresser) was done for the day. Both deemed the experiment a full-on success. Time for everyone to go home.

Me? Well, I finally figured out what was really bothering me about Taylor's purple hair quest. It wasn't the purple and it wasn't the cost. It really wasn't the idea of it at all. No, what was really bothering me for the last three months was that my little girl was no longer really my little girl. I realized that she's growing up SO fast, just like everyone warned me she would. I have moments where I want to stop the clock, just for a minute. To take a really good, hard look. To keep her as she is, just for one more minute. Just one. It's all going way too fast and before I know it, she's going to be asking for the car keys. And knee deep in boys. And going off to college. Wow.

But, for now, I'll take the advice one mom gave me. "Enjoy the tween years", she said. "What comes after will take every ounce of energy you have!" True enough. I'll take these next few years, puberty-free and full of wonder, with chore lists and grade school, times tables and spelling lists. Even the occasional purple hair moment.
