Saturday, February 07, 2009

Movie Day with Mom

When dad is working all weekend and the weather outside trashes your play-in-the-park plans, what's a girl to do?


Lookin' good in my 3-D Wonder Glasses!

Taylor and I went to see the show "Coraline" today. Prior to going, we'd seen a thousand previews, making-the-movie spotlights and sneak peaks, including one that showed how all the stuff that made up the movie was, well, made up. As in handmade. Right up my alley!

So why did I nod off in the middle of the show?


Taylor didn't really care, as long as I didn't spill the popcorn. I cared. Not since the midnight showing of the movie "Dracula" in 1992 have I searched my eyelids for holes over the course of an hour. My insomnia must be affecting me more than I thought...

Anyway. Taylor loved the movie, loved the popcorn, loved the smokin' hot 3-D glasses and loved that for maybe an hour of her life her mother wasn't watching her every move. Even better, it was dark and the 3-D effects were amazing. A quote.

I loved the first half of the show--Tim Burton can do no wrong! But, I'm going to have to take Taylor at her word for the rest of it until it comes out on DVD. If it's anything like "Dracula", I'm going to love it and buy it for my home stash. We'll see.

After the movie Taylor and I goofed around in the lobby arcade, waiting for the scuzzy weather to improve. If you ever want to make a 7-year old's entire day, give her 50 cents to play with the Crane Grabber. 47 tries later, she will manage to get one Tootsie Roll (with a life span that has exceeded hers) and chortle with glee as she tries to chew it with her loose tooth. Bliss!

Mom calls this contraption the Torture Machine.

Ask your Mom for $500 to play the interactive snowboarding game.
If the weather is nasty enough, she'll seriously consider it.

Check out the cool new viewfinder!

Once the weather let up a little (hair plastered to head, but able to find car) we headed to Super Target for some last minute Valentine's Day shopping. I won't bore you with details about how much chocolate we bought, just that it was drool-all-the-way-home good and some of it actually made it's way into valentine envelopes.
